Tuesday 29 March 2016

Outlook are trying to fuck me and it's working


So according to an email I received four days ago, someone was trying to hack into my Microsoft account. I tried to recover the account via a verification code sent to my phone but every time I entered the last four digits of my number NOTHING was sent through to my phone. I got NADA. ZIP. ZILCH. For all I know they sent the code to whoever it was trying to hack my account in the first place - not to go all conspiracy theory but FOR REALS I think that's what has happened.

Anyways, after it wouldn't send it through to my phone I decided to reset the account via a questionnaire they offered. It asks for information like:

  • Subjects of emails recently sent
  • Subjects of emails recently received
  • Email addresses recently contacted
  • The location of the lost City of Atlantis
  • Alternative folders you've created
  • Your Bra Size

I filled it in as best I could. But to be honest, without looking at my emails I couldn't tell you who the last person I emailed or received an email from was. I vaguely remember sending my sister pictures of kittens but I feel like 'Kittens, maybe?' as a subject would not work so well for me here.

QUELLE FUCKING SURPRISE I failed to provide enough information to successfully recover my account and so it has been temporarily blocked. So whoever it was who was trying to hack into my account, if anyone ever truly was, has succeeded only in making a 5'2" nutjob that little bit nuttier. Seriously, rub your balls in my face why don't you???

ARGH. Fucking computer technology bullshit etc etc.

P.S I opened my Facebook account again, by the way, like a capitalist bitch. MY FRIENDS GOT ENGAGED AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW UNTIL I GOT THE WEDDING INVITATION what was I supposed to do?!?! Fuck me.